Alina Bill-Weilandt
Alina is pursuing a PhD at NTU’s Asian School of the Environment (ASE). In her PhD project, she researches the potential of green infrastructure for resilient and equitable development in cities in Southeast Asia. She has conducted cost-benefits analysis to evaluate large investment projects. The objective of her research is advancing tools that inform efficient infrastructure planning, by mapping flood risk, vulnerabilities, and ecosystem services as well as identifying enabling institutional and human factors.
Previously, Alina worked at the World Bank, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the German development agency GIZ, and multiple NGOs. On behalf of the World Bank, Alina supported the post-disaster needs assessment, recovery and, reconstruction after Cyclone Idai and Kenneth in Mozambique. She provided advice to Governments in Subsahara Africa on the design of National Disaster Risk Financing Strategies, strengthening early-warning systems, and mainstreaming disaster risk management in the National Agriculture Development Strategy and budget.
Alina completed Master’s degrees in Environmental Policy at Sciences Po Paris and in Political Science at FU Berlin with mention. She is co-founder of The Policy Corner, an independent platform for students and young professionals to publish research-based articles on global issues.
She is a recipient of the Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA), a research scholarship provided by the Agency for Science, Technology & Research (A*STAR) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU).