Lim Tian Ning

Lim Tian Ning

After her stint as a research assistant at DASL (2019-2020), Tian Ning has been awarded the Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters scholarship and has since completed the Erasmus Mundus Flood Risk Management program. Through this program, she has developed more technical skills and a niche (in flood risk) within the broader field of disaster risk.

Today, Tian Ning returns to the lab as a Research Associate where she focuses on commercializing the lab’s climate risk models.

Outside of work and studies, Tian Ning is a photography (and food) enthusiast.



Sensitivity Analysis of Exposure for Flood Risk Assessment

To understand the sources of uncertainty in exposure models, and how they can impact the results of flood risk analyses

Ecosystem Services for Flood Risk Reduction

Using a flood risk modeling framework to value ecosystems services

UR Field Lab 2019

A month-long, output-oriented un-conference, where people of different disciplines and professions came together to work on the problem of urban flooding.

UR Field Lab 2019 website
Personas Card Deck for Flood Risk Management

A card deck for educating the public, stakeholders, and decision makers on the complexities of flood problems 

Personas Card Deck