Sanjana Tadepalli
Sanjana is a Research Assistant at DASL. Her primary responsibilities include managing DASL’s National Research Foundation (NRF) grant, organizing group trainings and facilitating workshops. She is also involved in the Ethical Fieldwork in Post-Disaster Contexts project, which aims to identify safe and ethical ways for field research in the immediate aftermath of a disaster.
Sanjana is a graduate of Yale-NUS College, where she majored in Environmental Studies. Her undergraduate research was focused on examining the environmental narratives communicated through storybooks and other forms of popular culture in developing, post-colonial contexts. Her academic interests include climate justice, divestment, policymaking and social movements.
Before coming to DASL, Sanjana served in a number of roles, including being an Editor at the publishing company Scholastic, Program Manager at tech incubator EF, and Business Development Associate at the edtech company Coursera. She also started a publishing non-profit to create personalized storybooks for children in India.
Outside of work, Sanjana enjoys cycling and hiking along the Singapore Park Connector Network, gardening, using her Instant Pot and experiencing the wildlife in the jungles that surround her hometown of Bangalore.